Well this is going to be the first comp, it being something I'm good at too, and I'm actually doing in a festival not long from now. This is going to be hard let me tell you, although as I'm going to win the other one for sure, I want to hear what you have to do ... please if you have an entry, send it to me via Email. If you don't know, it's jjw96@hotmail.com  . The first comp will be about writing, and yes the most of this internet thing is about writing, although I will need your help to create yours, it's your site too!
So the limit of words is 2000, and you have until ... May the first to write it. So don't feel the rush, make it great, and hope to read it, I'm looking forward to it very much. Although there are two more things, you can write any style. 1) keep it clean of swearing and 2) it can be any genre but it has to be about 'Own It' that's your topic, your subject, and your mission. So if that made no sense, simply putting it, this has to be about 'owning it', it being any real or metaphoric thing of your choice. You have the orders, this is truly optional, but all in all, if you win there will be great fortune, you can get a name for your self. I may even give you a segment in this!
Oh ... PS, this is protected fully, so there is no reason not to do this!